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Award Type and NFQ Level:
Course code: ARTS
CAO/MU Apply: MH101
Points: 307
QQI: Yes click here for details
Closing date: 01 July 2025
Details Details

Subject Overview
>Philosophy' is an ancient Greek word that means ‘love of wisdom’. The wisdom philosophy seeks is concerned with the big questions that everyone will eventually encounter in his or her life such as the nature of reality, what it means to know or how to live a good life, but also contemporary social and political issues from a philosophical lens. Through philosophy, we interrogate our own identities, challenge ethical principles, and understand ethical decision making processes.
>Philosophy approaches these questions both historically and systematically. Thinking philosophically requires knowledge of what those who have come before us have thought; but it also requires the ability to evaluate these positions critically.
>In studying philosophy, you will engage with different perspectives on these fundamental questions and will uncover the profound influence of social and historical contexts on philosophical theories, and how power dynamics and societal norms shape our understanding of the world. Through this, you will gain a deeper appreciation for the rich diversity of human experiences and engage in respectful dialogue with peers. By challenging your own assumptions and beliefs, you will develop critical thinking skills and cultivate a deeper understanding of the complex forces that shape our beliefs and values.
>Philosophy explores the foundations of all of reality and of all knowledge. To mention a few examples, there is
a philosophy of language and a philosophy of music; political philosophy; ethics; a philosophy of science and a philosophy of religion. There is nothing that cannot be questioned philosophically, and there is no interest that cannot be combined with philosophy.
>At Maynooth University, Philosophy is available for a great number of subject combinations in the MH101 Arts degree, both as double major or as a major-minor combination. It can also be studied in conjunction with Mathematics and Computer Science (BSc in Computational Thinking).

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