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Award Type and NFQ Level:
Course code: ARTS
CAO/MU Apply: MH101
Points: 307
QQI: Yes click here for details
Closing date: 01 July 2025
Details Details

Subject Overview
>Marketing is a wide and varied discipline, connecting a firm to its customers in the marketplace. It is fast-paced and dynamic, interlinking with every other area of business to understand how value is created and captured for the company and its customers. Marketers must understand customers’ needs, how they behave and why they buy,
so that businesses can build long term relationships with them. Using both traditional and digital tools, marketers deliver value through creating innovative products and services to meet marketplace needs.
>Our approach to Marketing provides students with a deep understanding of the marketing function, as well as wider management and business processes so you can
deliver value to customers and your organisation. Options are available which allow you to specialise your degree according to your strengths and interests in the topic areas you enjoy most.
>Creating and managing customers are central themes to what we teach and research at the Maynooth University School of Business. Our faculty bring a rich and diverse expertise from both local and international markets across a broad range of topic areas, including digital marketing, online retailing, branding, communications and consumer behaviour. Together we offer students deep insights into the practicalities and applications of marketing, from what makes customers tick to how to make the best of market opportunities.

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