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Award Type and NFQ Level:
Course code: ARTS
CAO/MU Apply: MH101
Points: 307
QQI: Yes click here for details
Closing date: 01 July 2025
Details Details

Subject Overview
>Politics is about how we figure out what our society should look like. Street protests, local elections, European treaties, parliamentary debate, local council decisions, industrial conflict – all are part of the everyday life of politics. We encourage students to engage in social movements and issue-based campaigning, and to get involved with political parties and human rights work.
>Politics combines the traditional study of political institutions (parties, parliaments, elections, policy-making and more), political ideologies (such as liberalism and socialism) and ideas (such as justice and freedom) across a wide range of countries and regions.
>Students explore the ways that politics works and does not work, and how it shapes our lives for better and worse. We investigate the different forms that politics can take, how politics is organised in different countries, how politics
is shaped by society and how it can chart new paths for societies. Students explore Irish and international politics.
>Politics students do a participant workshop with a focus on active citizenship, providing “real world” experience of
the issues raised in the teaching programme. Students also have the opportunity to carry out research into political life, developing analytical, communication and presentation skills.
>The Centre for the Study of Politics (CSOP) and the Maynooth University Centre for European and Eurasian Studies (MUCEES) are both important parts of the MU Politics programme.
>Politics students have the opportunity to spend a year abroad, to go on staff-led field trips and to become actively involved in the Sociology and Politics Society in the MSU (Maynooth Students’ Union).
>Politics students do a 2nd year external module with a focus on active citizenship, providing “real world” experience of the issues raised in the teaching programme. Students also have the opportunity to carry out research into political life, developing analytical, communication and presentation skills.

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