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Award Type and NFQ Level:
Course code: ARTS
CAO/MU Apply: MH101
Points: 307
QQI: Yes click here for details
Closing date: 01 July 2025
Details Details

Subject Overview - "Greek and Roman Civilization" changes name to “Classical Studies” from 2025
>Classical Studies involves study of the history, literature, art, philosophy, and mythology of the ancient world; a survey that focusses on, but is not limited to, ancient Greece and Rome. The modern world’s engagement with the Classical legacy, our reception of the past, is a key interest too.
>As the original interdisciplinary subject, Classical Studies spans an immense range of human experience over some 1,700 years, from the mythic age of the Greek heroes through to the “fall” of the Roman Empire. The subject offers an all-round education that complements many other courses, laying the foundation for success in many careers and walks of life.
>The complexities and diversity of ancient cultures are studied from many perspectives. Themes explored in individual modules include mythology and the gods; war and heroism; civilization and the ‘barbarian’; ideologies of power and empire; people and elites; gender and sexuality; ideas of justice, law, happiness, and the holy.
>In Maynooth University, our smaller class sizes and friendly staff allow students to get individual attention and feel at home. No previous knowledge of the subject is required or expected, and all material is studied in English translation. However, beyond first year there are optional modules in Ancient Greek and Latin should the languages be of interest to students.

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