Courses / Subject

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Award Type and NFQ Level:
Course code: ARTS
CAO/MU Apply: MH101
Points: 307
QQI: Yes click here for details
Closing date: 01 July 2025
Details Details

Subject Overview
>Achieve a high level of competency in a world language and learn about Spanish and Latin American culture and society more generally in a friendly, supportive
environment. As a student of Spanish, you will have a twin focus on language and culture. Through language classes and with supporting material such as film, literature
and cultural events, you will aim to become a fluent speaker and writer of Spanish. You can study Spanish at non-beginner level (Leaving Certificate H4 in Spanish or equivalent recommended), or at beginner level (no minimum requirement).
>Over the course of your degree programme, you will receive an excellent grounding in all aspects of Spanish language through core modules in Spanish Language, complemented by a broad range of optional modules in areas such as Linguistics, Spanish Literature and Cinema, Latin American Literature and Cinema, Catalan and Portuguese.
>What distinguishes Spanish and Latin American Studies at Maynooth University is that we give students a thorough grounding in the language while introducing them to Spanish as a world language and cornerstone of many vibrant cultures.
>Students are expected to spend the third year of their BA studying in a university in Spain or Latin America. This is a unique opportunity and a "life-changing" experience, as any of our past students who have spent a year abroad can attest.
>Students interested in teaching Spanish should note that the Teaching Council of Ireland requires all registered teachers of Spanish to have spent some time living in
a Spanish-speaking country. The Maynooth University School of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures advises at least a three-month residency.
>You also have the opportunity to work as a Teaching Assistant in Spain (subject to availability), which is a great asset to have on your CV. Students who successfully complete a year abroad as part of their programme are conferred with a 4-year BA International.

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