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Award Type and NFQ Level:
Course code: ARTS
CAO/MU Apply: MH101
Points: 307
QQI: Yes click here for details
Closing date: 01 July 2025
Details Details

Subject Overview
>Mathematical physics, or theoretical physics, is the study of the fundamental laws of nature that govern our existence; from the interactions of quarks and gluons
through the properties of metals and the aerodynamics of flight, to the evolution of stars and galaxies.
>Many of the technologies we now take for granted have their origins in fundamental physics research, including PET scanners, lasers, Wi-Fi and the world wide web.
>Theoretical physics challenges our deeply held notions of what the world is like, and has led to developments in thinking from philosophy to genetics and neuroscience.
>The study of Mathematical Physics at Maynooth University has a long and distinguished tradition, of over 200 years.
Modern theoretical physics and applied mathematics are exciting and dynamic fields, and this excitement is
reflected in the research projects which are pursued in the Department.
>As well as being introduced to the major ideas and developments in theoretical physics and applied mathematics, you will be equipped with the tools to meet current and future developments in science, engineering, finance and other technologies of the future.
>Maynooth University offers the unique possibility of combining Mathematical Physics with subjects such as Music, Philosophy or Geography.

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