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Award Type and NFQ Level:
Course code: ARTS
CAO/MU Apply: MH101
Points: 307
QQI: Yes click here for details
Closing date: 01 July 2025
Details Details

Subject Overview - H2 Mathematics or equivalent required to choose Mathematics (Pure) as a subject in the MH101 BA degree.
>Mathematics is the logical and abstract study of pattern. It involves an interplay between the concrete and the abstract: the ever-changing world around us is one of the key inspirations for the invention and investigation of abstract mathematics, and the discoveries of abstract
mathematics have important and unexpected applications in the world around us.
>The Department offers multiple programmes to suit a range of Mathematical backgrounds, from the intensive Pure Mathematics programmes, which are aimed at students with a strong interest in abstract mathematics and a flair for analytical reasoning, to the more applied programmes which appeal to students who enjoy the more concrete areas of the subject. Our Mathematics degrees aim to bridge the gap between school Mathematics and current frontiers of knowledge. You will learn to think hard and rigorously about questions and to solve new problems–invaluable skills that can be transferred to any area of life and any job you hold in future.
A degree in a Mathematical discipline opens the door to jobs in a variety of fields such as finance, trading, insurance, information technology, education, data analysis, scientific research and development.

  • See CAREER OPTIONS tab for more details about the range of Mathematics options at MU.
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