Leaving Certificate Applicants
Required to present (as a minimum): 2H5 & 4O6/H7, Irish, English & Science subject (one of Agricultural Science, Applied Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Physics, or Physics with Chemistry) & H4 Mathematics*
*Students admitted to MH212 are required to have H4 Mathematics to register for MED. MH212 Round 1 Points 2024: 420
CAO applicants may also consider the BSc MH201 degree as another potential route into MH212. There is a potential transfer pathway from 1st year MH201 Science to 2nd year MH212 MED Mathematics (with Education). More details about potential MH201 transfer opportunities.
Garda Vetting
Offers of places on this programme are subject to a satisfactory background check by the National Vetting Bureau.
DARE: The Disability Access Route to Education is a third level alternative admissions scheme for school-leavers whose disabilities have had a negative impact on their second level education.
HEAR: The Higher Education Access Route is a third level admissions scheme for school leavers from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds.
Contact the Access Office for more information about these access routes.