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Award Type and NFQ Level: UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE (8)
Course code: COMPT
CAO/MU Apply: MH603
Points: 577
Closing date: 01 July 2025
Details Details

Degree Overview
>Study Computer Science, Mathematics and Philosophy in an accelerated three-year Bachelor of Science degree.
>Learn how to combine human creativity with the power of computers to solve problems.
>Examine the essentials of theoretical computer science and their mathematical foundations.
>Students have the option of undertaking a 1-year work placement or study abroad between 2nd and 3rd year (subject to availability).
>Acquire a deep understanding of the foundations of computation and information theory and gain advanced practical knowledge of programming in multiple languages.
>Study pure mathematics to hone your problem-solving skills, logical reasoning and analytical abilities, while gaining deep insight into principles that underly mathematical thought.
>The Department of Computer Science is located in the Eolas Building, a state-of-the-art ICT hub with dedicated business incubation facilities. Our laboratories and equipment provide excellent facilities for practical
work and all our courses include a mix of lectures and laboratory work. The Department of Mathematics and Statistics is located in Logic House on the South Campus.

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