Courses / Module

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Module code: LW616
Credits: 10
Semester: 2
Department: LAW
International: Yes
Overview Overview

This module examines the evolution of the field of international criminal law, including issues of jurisdiction and enforcement. The course will examine significant war crimes trials, as well as the historical, political, and institutional context within which the international criminal justice system operates. Specific international crimes, such as genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes will be examined, and alternative mechanisms for responding to mass human rights violations will be explored.

Topics will include the elements of international crimes, jurisdiction, criminal responsibility, rules of evidence and procedure, as well as the challenges of investigating and prosecuting extreme crimes.

This course will be taught only if a sufficient number of students enrol.

Any aspect of this module may be changed in any given academic year, subject to the discretion of the module lecturer.

Open Teaching & Learning methods
Open Assessment
Open Autumn Supplementals/Resits
Open Timetable
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